These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GSC) set out the contractual conditions applicable to any Purchase, service, subscription, by a physical or legal entity, of paid option(s) concluded directly with DigiM Solutions.
1-Subscription, Products & Services
The Subscriptions, products and services offered by DigiM Solutions are described and presented as accurately as possible.
2-Announcements in DigiM Solutions
2-1 Creation of spaces
The creation of advertiser space is conditioned by a subscription of one or more subscriptions, it is accessible to Advertisers connected to their professional account from our website and/ or the Applications. The creation of online training space is subject to an approval and signing of an operating contract.
2-2 Delete Space
The deletion of a space results in the deletion of all information and any attached Ad(s), and consequently, the deletion of any paid option(s) subscribed for these Ads and does not give right to any right to refund, nor compensation, which the Advertiser acknowledges and accepts.
2-3 Refund in case of space deletion
-Subscription packages are non-refundable.
-Paid options are not refundable.
2-4 Withdrawal
The Advertiser has five (05) clear days to withdraw. To exercise his right of withdrawal, the Buyer must inform DigiM Solutions by declaring his dissatisfaction, a request for withdrawal is sent by Mail
However, when subscriptions or paid options have been used by the Advertiser before the expiry of the period of five (05) days, the latter accepts that DigiM Solutions begins to perform the service, the customer expressly waives his right of withdrawal.
3-Provision of services:
The provision of services such as:
-Consulting in IT & telecommunications;
-Installation of computer systems;
-Design and redesign of websites and software;
-Creation of logos and graphic charts;
-Other services and services provided by DigiM Solutions;
Any request to perform a service, service must imperatively be the subject of a purchase order validated by the applicant after consultation and expression of needs if applicable.
4-Taxes, Change & Increase
Any new tax or rate increase of existing taxes will be automatically passed on according to the legislation in force.
The services performed on behalf of our customers will be invoiced, the customer agrees to pay the full amount of the invoice.
6-Transfer of ownership
In accordance with the law, the transfer of ownership of the services covered by the invoice will only be effective at the time of full payment of the mentioned price.
The services marketed by DigiM Solutions imply full and unconditional adherence to the general conditions of sale. No special conditions may prevail against our General Terms and Conditions of Sale unless formally agreed in writing by us.
Any contrary condition posed by the customer will therefore be unenforceable in the absence of express and written acceptance on our part.
In the context of the sale the customer is informed that he is in no case authorized to resell, distribute or assign, in any form whatsoever, the files, the source code; the licenses and software acquired from DigiM Solutions.
DigiM Solutions is committed to respecting confidentiality in all operations it carries out on behalf of our clients.
9-Data protection
DigiM Solutions cannot be held responsible for the interpretation and use that will be made by the customer of the GDPC regulation. It is only bound by an obligation of means to assist its clients in carrying out their projects and/or services in accordance with the legislation.
We shall not be liable if:
• The customer uses external services that DigiM Solutions is not aware of or that are not the source of the use and/or integration.
• Affected Field Departments do not allow for the removal or modification of tracking tracers.
• One of DigiM Solutions' suppliers failed to meet its own GDPC obligations.
• The new data protection regulation was evolving.
The customer hereby acknowledges that the provision of GDPC compliance assistance does not relieve him in any case of his own obligations related to the GDPC, and that in any event, it concerns only the compliance of its website and not the other obligations to which it is subject.
10-Force Majeure
Have the effect of suspending our contractual obligations in cases of unforeseen circumstances or force majeure such as:
the theft or destruction of the production equipment, total or partial strikes that impede the proper functioning of our company or that of one of our suppliers, subcontractors or transporters, as well as the interruption of transport, the supply of energy, of the internet connection…
Any subscription of paid option(s) and/or purchase of a subscription by an Advertiser or performance of a service constitutes full acceptance of the GSC in force.
12-Miscellaneous provisions
Any processing of personal data within the framework of these rules is subject to the provisions of our privacy policy, which is an integral part of these GSC.
Should any part of the GSC prove to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, for any reason whatsoever, the provisions in question shall be deemed unwritten, without calling into question the validity of the other provisions that will continue to apply between Advertisers and DigiM Solutions, unless it was an impulsive and decisive clause that led one of the Parties to subscribe to paid options.